- Professor Vincent Hunter Capps from the University of Buffalo gave an inspiring lecture on Thursday, October 26, titled "Raw is Law: Queer Theory and the Dustanien Text." The lecture was addressed to the public, but students currently enrolled in Professor Daniel Maroun's FR 543 graduate seminar on 'Narratives of disease: HIV/AIDS in French literature and cinema' had the opportunity to...
- 2023-10-10 - What are small but meaningful changes that you can apply to improve your classroom teaching? How do you improve courses in an entire program while balancing other professional responsibilities? These were some of the overarching questions Assistant Teaching Professor Amy Clay asked in her CITL lunch-time lecture on Thursday, October 5. Her virtual lecture was part of...
- 2023-09-30 - Professor Felisa Reynolds, one of our specialists in Francophone literatures and cultures, presented a lecture on Thursday, September 28 in the Department of Anthropology's Colloquium Series on her ongoing research on the representation of colonialism in multiple media, including mainstream movie productions. Drawing on material she published this year in the journal...
- 2023-09-17 - We are hiring faculty for a full-time, tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Italian Studies, with a start date of August 16, 2024 and a broad set of specializations! They include but are not limited to: Minority Studies, Cultural Studies, Diaspora and Migration Studies, Gender Studies, Race and Ethnicity Studies, Mediterranean Studies, Global Early Modern Studies. Applicants with...
- 2023-09-17 - This year's incoming graduate students again come to us from a variety of places to study French and Italian literatures, cultures, linguistics, and language pedagogy. From left to right and top to bottom on this picture, meet: Michele Prudence Djemwel Biscene (md58@illinois.edu), M.A. Student in French Studies (B.A....
- 2023-07-03 - The recent riots in France have raised questions about French police’s "larger purpose" in the country, stated Assistant Professor Daniel Nabil Maroun on FRANCE 24, the French state-owned international news television network based in Paris. The riots broke out after the recent shooting of a 17-year-old, identified as Nahel M., by a police officer in the Paris suburb of Nanterre when he was...
- 2023-05-31 - Look up our French and Italian summer course offerings, if you would like to study our languages over the summer. Regular instruction in French and Italian resumes on August 16. Have a restful and productive summer!
- 2023-05-04 - This year's K. A. Looney Awards for French Merit prize went to six outstanding majors and minors who have been excellent in their classes and earned a minimum GPA of 3.5 in a rigorous academic program in French. Minors: Albertson, Elise (MCB & French) Nikolov, Sophie (Psychology & French) Pechan,...
- 2023-04-19 - Congratulations to Professor Julie Gaillard for winning Honorable Mention, one of this year's Humanities Research Institute's Prizes for Research across all fields of the Humanities on campus. Professor Gaillard's article is entitled: “‘Returning 'home’? Or Dwelling in the Pixel Age: On Invader’s Intermedial Invasion.” The article features the work of French artist 'Invader' who, since...
- 2023-03-13 - Congratulations to faculty and teaching assistants who have been ranked as excellent by their students in Fall 2022! Thank you for your hard work in your classrooms during our first semester fully back to campus. We are proud of you! ASAMOAH, FRIMPONG W (TA) – FR 103* CLAY, A – FR 101 CRAIG, S (TA) – FR 101* GORHAM, J (...
- 2023-02-11 - The first issue of this year's H-France Forum, the blog space devoted to highlights of significant new books in Francophone history and literature, is featuring reviews of Professor Emeritus Jean-Philippe Mathy's latest book: "Chronic Aftershock: How 9/11 Shaped Present-Day France" (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2021). The format, introduced over a decade ago, is now well-...
- 2023-02-05 - This semester's Italian and French Conversation Tables are back and open to students, staff, and faculty. Each event is held in Espresso Royal Café, located on the corner of Goodwin Avenue and Oregon Street in Urbana. The weekly Caffettino! events are organized every Monday from 5-6 pm by PhD candidate in Italian Studies: Soraya Chipolla (...
- 2023-01-12 - The graduate programs of French and SLATE are proud to announce that Dr. Tricia Thrasher (PhD 2022, French SLATE) has been awarded the 2022 ACTFL-NFMLTA/MLJ Emma Birkmaier Award for Doctoral Dissertation Research in World Language Education. She is the first UIUC student ever to have received this prestigious award from the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign...
- 2022-12-22 - Wishing you and your family peace, health, happiness, and prosperity in this holiday season and the coming New Year. We will return to campus on or shortly before Monday, January 9, 2023. E n j o y y o u r w i n t e r b r e a k !
- 2022-12-14 - Congratulations to Professor Daniel Nabil Maroun who obtained a highly competitive grant awarded by the French Embassy and the FACE Foundation to initiate much-needed revisions in the French Undergraduate Curriculum. Professor Maroun’s proposal, entitled “Professionalizing French in Illinois: Empowering French and Francophone Studies,” responded to...