About France@Illinois
The Department of French & Italian hosts France@Illinois with the support of the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States, which designated the University of Illinois as one of 28 Centers of Excellence across the country.
France@Illinois sponsors interdisciplinary activities including conferences and workshops, job fairs, film series, lectures by distinguished scholars, writers, and artists, and cultural exchanges. It fosters collaborations across disciplinary boundaries and serves as a point of information about events or initiatives related to France and the francophone world around campus.
The University of Illinois cultivates many partnerships with universities and research centers throughout France.
Please contact the France@Illinois Director, Professor Marcus Keller, to send items for inclusion in the calendar or to request co-sponsorship for France-related events. Upcoming events are featured in our current calendar.
Network of Centers of Excellence of the Embassy of France
Brown University│Columbia University │ Cornell University │ Dartmouth College │ Duke University │ Georgetown University & George Washington University │Harvard University │ Indiana University │Johns Hopkins University │ Louisiana State University │Massachusetts Institute of Technology │ New York University │ Northwestern University │ Ohio State University │Princeton University │ Texas A&M │ University of California Berkeley │University of California Los Angeles │ University of Florida │ University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign │ University of Kansas │University of Southern California │ University of Texas at Austin │ University of Virginia │University of Wisconsin at Madison │ Washington University in St. Louis│Yale University