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Research Interests
- 20th and 21st century French literature, culture, and thought
- Aesthetics and visual arts; (inter)mediality
- Fiction and non-fiction
- referentiality and politics
Research Description
Drawing on literature and literary theory, visual and media culture, critical theory as well as psychoanalytic theory, my research focuses on referentiality as an entry point to engage with issues of fiction and (post)truth, affect and representation, as well as identity and community formation.
My book Réalités pseudonymes (Brill Rodopi, 2020) focuses on proper names in French literature and arts in order to show how media (“new,” “old,” and “mixed”) articulate reality, as societies shift from analog to digital modes of mediation. I analyze a variety of works by authors and artists who bring to the fore proper names and introduce disturbances in their referential mechanisms, in order to show how "reality" is constituted and how it can be faked, transformed or suspended.
I am currently working on my second project, provisionally titled 'Who, We?': Pronominal Politics, Citizenship, and the Rights of the Other in Hashtag Era France, which engages with issues of identity and community formation in contemporary culture, philosophy, and literature, through the lens of a pronominal politics.
I studied literature and philosophy in Strasbourg, Berlin, and Paris, before pursuing a Ph.D. in French with a certificate in Psychoanalytic Studies at Emory University
Courses Taught
- FR 212 Introduction to Cultural Analysis: French Identities
- FR 322 Movements and Perspectives
- "Feminist Subjects"
- "Contemporary Literature in French: The Choix Goncourt US"
- FR 324 Literature and the Other Arts "Images of Reality, Reality of Images"
- FR 387 Media and Cinema in French "Politics of the Gaze"
- FR 579 Seminar in French Literature
- " 'Literature Is Useless' "
- "French Feminisms"
- FR 543 Seminar in French Studies "'We'? Pronominal politics, Hegemony, Alterity"
Additional Campus Affiliations
- European Union Center
- Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory
- Program in Comparative and World Literature
- Women and Gender in Global Perspectives Program
Highlighted Publications
Réalités pseudonymes. Leiden, Boston, Brill Rodopi, series “Chiasma” vol. 45, 2020.
Traversals of Affect: On Jean-François Lyotard (with Claire Nouvet and Mark Stoholski). London, Bloomsbury, 2016.
Recent Publications
« “Out of Your System”: On Jean-François Lyotard’s Libidinal Set-Ups », in Libidinal Economies of Crises Times. The Psychic Life of Contemporary Capitalism, éd. B. Gook, Berlin: Transcript, “Culture & Theory” vol. 253 (2024): p. 59-73
‘Entroposcenic’!: Representing Nature in the Exhibition Desert Now and some works by Julian Charrière,” in “Disassembling and Reassembling Cultures in the Desert/ Défaire et refaire les cultures dans le desert,” eds Denis M. Provencher and Alain-Philippe Durand, Contemporary French & Francophone Studies/SITES, Volumes 28.3 and 28.4 (Fall 2024)
“Mémoires de filles : stratégies pronominales et politique du témoignage chez Annie Ernaux et Vanessa Springora.“ in ”Politique du genre et engagement,” eds Barbara Havercroft and Pascal Michelucci, Critical Review of French Contemporary Fixxion n°27 (Fall 2023)
“‘Je te crois’ (I believe you): Pragmatics of a Feminist Slogan, or Silencing and the Scene of Address in Post-#metoo France.” European Journal of Cultural Studies (online first, 2023)
“Returning Home (?), or Dwelling in The Pixel Age: On Invader’s Intermedial Space Invasion.” in André Habib, Suzanne Paquet, Carl Therrien (eds), Returning (Nostalgia), Intermédialités/Intermediality n°39 (Spring 2022)