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Kolade Kenneth

Profile picture for Kolade  Kenneth

Contact Information

2112 LCLB
707 S. Mathews Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801

Office Hours

Spring 2025: Mondays 3-4pm & Thursdays 12:30-1:30pm
PhD Student, Teaching Assistant


Kolade Kenneth is currently pursuing a PhD in French and Francophone Studies at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He has a master’s degree in French and Francophone Studies from the University of Illinois Chicago. His academic interests lie in exploring themes of identity, culture, and postcolonialism within Francophone contexts. More specifically, he wants to explore the evolving role of women in post-colonial Africa and their shifting representation in the works of major African authors writing in French, such as Mariama Bâ and Tsitsi Dangarembga. By analyzing their literary contributions, he seeks to uncover how women's narratives have transformed in response to the dynamic socio-political changes within post-colonial African societies. His exploration will shed light on the broader discourse surrounding the empowerment and agency of women in post-independence African literature

Research Interests

Francophone literature

Caribbean literature

Gender & Women Studies

Race and Diaspora

African Studies 

Africa & American Studies 

Postcolonial Studies



Ph.D. French Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (In Progress, 2024-Present)

M.A. in French and Francophone Studies, University of Illinois at Chicago (2024)

B.A. in French, University of Lagos (2017)



Awards and Honors

French and Francophone Studies Scholarship (2022)

Zelazny Humanities Graduate Education Scholarship (2022)


Courses Taught

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

FR 103: Intermediate French I (Fall 2024, Spring 2025)

University of Illinois at Chicago

FR 103. Intermediate French I (Spring 2023, Fall 2023 & Spring 2024)

FR 102: Elementary French II (Fall 2022)