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Course Schedule

ITAL 101 - Elementary Italian I

For students who have no credit in Italian.

ITAL 102 - Elementary Italian II

Continuation of ITAL 101. Prerequisite: ITAL 101 or one year of high school Italian.

ITAL 103 - Intermediate Italian I

Rapid reading, review of grammar, composition, and conversation. Prerequisite: ITAL 102 or two years of high school Italian.

ITAL 104 - Intermediate Italian II

Continuation of ITAL 103. Prerequisite: ITAL 103 or three years of high school Italian.

ITAL 199 - Undergraduate Open Seminar

Approved for letter and S/U grading. May be repeated to a maximum of 5 hours.

ITAL 250 - Minority Identities in Film and Culture: The Italian American and African American Experience

Explores the complex relation between Italian Americans and African Americans in the 19th and 20th century. Were Italian Americans white? What is whiteness? How does identity politics define the relation between minority groups? By looking at the problem of the construction of whiteness among Italian American and at the representation of their relation with African Americans in literature, movies and social studies we will discuss the problem of the relation between two minorities with often conflictual relations in the American context.

ITAL 310 - Advanced Grammar

Study of the structure of modern Italian in both its phonological and syntactic aspects for the student who already has a functional command of the language, with an emphasis on developing ability to analyze and interpret grammatical structures. Prerequisite: ITAL 210 or consent of instructor.

ITAL 390 - Spec Topics Italian Studies

Selected substantive readings for independent study on a given special topic of Italian literature, culture, language, or linguistics. May be repeated. Prerequisite: ITAL 104 and consent of instructor.

ITAL 418 - Language & Minorities in Europe

Same as EURO 418, FR 418, GER 418, LING 418, PS 418, SLAV 418, and SPAN 418. See FR 418.

ITAL 440 - Modern Italian Novel

An in-depth examination of a particular writer, genre, form or period in modern Italian literature (such as Italo Calvino, Italian detective fiction, or the contemporary Italian novel). See online schedule for specific topic. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: ITAL 200 or consent of instructor.

ITAL 460 - Principles of Language Testing

Same as EIL 460, EPSY 487, FR 460, GER 460, PORT 460, and SPAN 460. See EIL 460.

ITAL 489 - Theoretical Foundations of SLA

Same as FR 481, GER 489, LING 489, PORT 489, and SPAN 489. See LING 489.

ITAL 491 - Honors Senior Thesis

For candidates for honors in Italian. No graduate credit. May be repeated.

ITAL 588 - Sem Second Lang Learn

Same as EALC 588, FR 588, GER 588, LING 588, PORT 588, and SPAN 588. See SPAN 588.

ITAL 595 - Spec Topics in Italian

Independent study/research under the direction of a faculty member. May or may not fulfill requirements for a particular degree program in Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese. Consult graduate advisor. May be repeated in same or subsequent terms to a maximum of 8 hours.

ITAL 599 - Thesis Research

Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated.